Kim Documentary: “The Gray: The Kim Walnes Story” is a full-length feature documentary that follows Kim’s remarkable journey with the Gray Goose - a difficult horse she found in Ireland and trained from the ground up to the top levels of eventing, where she won the Rolex 3-day (in 1982); represented the US at The World Championships at Luhmuhlen and placed third there despite a broken back (1982); served as alternates for the 1984 Olympics; placed second at Boekelo in 1985; and again represented the United States at the World Championships in Australia (1986).
The documentary also explores the impact of the loss of Andrea Walnes, Kim’s daughter, in 1991 in a still-unsolved murder and the role that horses have played in Kim’s own healing journey as well as Kim’s work in the last three decades teaching riders to communicate and work with their horses through a trauma-informed approach.
The documentary is directed toward an audience not only of eventers, riders, and horse lovers but to all people who have been impacted by trauma and have turned to animals as a form of healing and reconnection with hope.
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